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Loan Services

Auto Loans Business Loans Mortgage Loans Personal Loans Home Equity Loans


Auto Loans

Rates may vary according to year model of the car and time period of loan. Let Lee Bank & Trust Company have the opportunity to put you in the driver's seat.


Business Loans

Lee Bank & Trust Company is fully committed to helping businesses grow. We believe that local businesses are the strength of our economy, and we offer many types of specially designed loans to meet each business's particular needs.


Mortgage Loans

At Lee Bank & Trust Company, mortgage loans are our specialty. We offer a variety of programs and have experienced, professional staff ready to serve you. We offer construction loans as well as fixed and adjustable rate mortgages. Be sure to check with us when you are ready to build or buy.


Personal Loans

Lee Bank & Trust Company offers a variety of repayment terms for personal loans set to meet your budget. Ask one of our loan officers for a loan tailored to meet your professional needs.


Home Equity Loans

Let the equity in your home go to work for you, by helping out with school expenses, home improvement, payoff high rate charge cards or any other good reason. In most cases the interest is tax deductable, but you need to check with your tax accountant.

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